Committee Members

Yige Sun
I am an early career researcher in materials science. My expertise includes 2D material, energy storage devices, 3D printing, and microscopy. I am currently a Faraday Institution research fellow in the Nextrode project, and an enterprise and innovation fellow in the MPLS division. I also serve as a robotic project leader in Oxford Robotics and Additive Manufacturing Society (OxRAM), a career mentor under the People and Organisational Development (POD) unit, and a supervisor of a 3D printing lab in Oxford Materials Characterisation service (OMCS), University of Oxford.
Ferran Brosa Planella
Ferran is a Senior Research Fellow at WMG (University of Warwick) and is part of the Multi-Scale Modelling project. His research focuses on derivation, reduction, and parameterisation of physics-based models for lithium-ion batteries. He is also a strong supporter of open science and is a core developer of PyBaMM. When not modelling, Ferran enjoys playing bagpipes and attempting to bake (with varying levels of success).

Laura Wheatcroft
Hi, I’m Laura, a post-doc at the University of Sheffield working on the FutureCat project. I’m excited to be on the ECR committee to help give the community an opportunity to meet and get together at the ECR conference! My work on Future Cat focuses on understanding crack formation in cathode materials using microscopy and mechanical testing. In my spare time I like to do pottery where the battle against crack formation continues!
Julian Holland
Collector of antique scientific textbooks, runner of D&D campaigns, and occasionally a MSM associated PhD researcher focusing on the atomistic modelling of battery materials specialising in Graphite nanoparticles and LLZO. I am in charge of communications for this event so if you spot spelling mistakes in any emails from us don’t tell James.