The following talks were selected from the expression of interest (EOI) process. There are six breakout rooms running in parallel, and delegates will be assigned to one at random at registration. 15 minute slots are given to the highest scoring talks from the EOI process, shown by the (selected) tag.
Using bacteria for recycling critical metals contained in spent Li-ion batteries.
In house X-ray diffraction and absorption studies of Li-ion battery cathodes: From Ex-situ to Operando.
Layered cathodes enabling faster charging and reduced degradation.
Characterisation of Lithium-Ion Anode Slurries Using Electrochemical Impedance Techniques.
Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite Thin Films Incorporating 3D-Architectures for Solid-State Battery Application.
Diffusion-aware voltage source: An equivalent circuit network to resolve lithium concentration gradient in active particles.
Combining X-ray imaging and an erosion algorithm for rapid particle defect quantification.
Precipitation of Ni(OH)2 as Precursor for Cathode Material in Li Ion Batteries.
Why do variations in calcination temperature and other synthetic parameters lead to different electrochemical performance in the disordered rocksalt (DRX) material Li1.2Ni0.2Ti0.6O2.
Lithium Insertion into Graphitic Carbon Observed via Operando Kerr Gated Raman Spectroscopy.
Atomic-resolution understanding of the pseudo-binary structure of Li-rich metal oxides.
The effect of electrode microstructure on localised performance of Li-S batteries via novel 3D image-based modelling.
Improving the initial coulombic efficiency of Sn-based negative electrode materials for Na-Ion batteries.
Employing Metal-Organic Frameworks to Influence the Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.
Listening to Batteries: an Investigation into the role of Acoustics as a tool for Battery Diagnostics.
Optimizing the reaction conditions for synthesis of high quality single crystal LNO materials.
To visualize the lithium-ion distribution for lithium-ion battery electrodes with different histories.
Optimising the synthesis of Lithium Nickel Oxide cathode material for Li-ion Batteries.
Electrode-scale quantification of operando single active particle lithium-ion dynamics using optical scattering microcopy.
The challenges associated with NMC811 nanowire synthesis using the biotemplating method.
Green Solvent Assisted Sepeartion of Cathode Black Mass from Current Collector.
Understanding Short Range Order in Disordered Rocksalt Cathode Materials.
A comparison study using PES on I09 to probe the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) on hard carbon anodes in Na-ion half-cells and full-cells: understanding the effects of Na on the SEI.
Delamination of first-generation lithium-ion battery anodes, via water, and its reclamation into new batteries.
Electron Microscopy Studies on Concentration Gradient Ni-rich Cathodes for Lithium-ion Batteries.
Atomic Layer Deposited Coatings on Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Materials for Long Cycle-Life Li-ion Batteries.
(S)TEM Imaging and Spectroscopy of Interfaces in Solid-state Li-ion Batteries.
Fitting equivalent circuits to impedance data is worthy - Here is how.
State-of-charge tracking through state-space modelling of acoustic signatures.
An NMR crystallography approach for characterising next generation battery materials, combining experimental and computational solid-state NMR.
Operando optical tracking of ion transport and cracking in single particles.
New in operando methods of rapidly characterising the polysulfide shuttle effect in lithium sulfur batteries.
Techno Economic Optimization and Evaluation of an Integrated Industrial Scale NMC811 Cathode Active Material Manufacturing Process.
Operando Raman spectroscopy of graphene-based lithium-sulfur batteries.
Turning Alkali-Rich Double Perovskites From Solid Electrolytes to Active Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries.
The Application of Correlative Cryo-Microscopy Techniques in the Study of Dendrites in Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Synthesis and scale up for the structural stabilisation of LiNiO2 via cation doping.
Discovery of a new oxide argyrodite with unique lithium sublattice and enhanced ionic conductivity.
The influence of varied cycling profiles and calendar ageing on the long-term degradation of high Ni content Lithium-ion commercial batteries.
Development of High Energy Density Low-Cost, Li/Ni/Co Free Sodium Layered Oxides as Positive Electrodes for Na-ion Batteries.
Poster Presenters
In addition, any UK-based researcher identifying as an early career researcher (ECR) and working in the field of energy storage (whether as part of a Faraday Institution project, or not) has the chance to present a poster at the conference, the full list of posters is available here.